Electrolytes and Your Fluid Level

Keeping adequately hydrated, and having enough fluids, is one of the most fundamental things anyone can do to improve or maintain their health. There are lots of different pieces of advice out there, but what is the truth? It depends on your unique situation. Living in a hot or dry environment, high-intensity exercise, diabetes, diarrhea, and fever can all cause dehydration (low fluid levels). But do you really need to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily (that is a myth)? How can you determine whether you need to drink more fluids? There is an effortless and effective way to find out. How to Check Your ‘Fluid Level While seated, place your right hand, palm down, on your right leg. The veins in the back of your hand should stand up above the surface and feel moderately firm and puffy. If your veins are full, slowly raise your hand and watch the veins. When you reach the point where your veins disappear, stop and look at the height of your hand. This height is your ‘fluid

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The “How”: Systems of the Human Body: A Series

Human Body Series – Part 1 – The Kidneys Our human bodies are truly elegant in keeping us healthy, when we do our part by providingproper care. You can take control of your health and your life by learning about how the organswork together to create the delicately balanced system of your body.

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Ketogenic Diet and Synerplex Electrolytes

Using Synerplex®Electrolytes While on the Ketogenic Diet The Ketogenic Diet is getting a lot of press nowadays with its promise of weight loss and improved health, but there are some things that you should know to get all of the benefits. Because of the low amount of carbohydrates, your insulin levels tend to stay low (a good thing) which may cause your kidneys to excrete a higher level of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, especially the later. A common side effect of being on a ketogenic diet early on is something known as the “keto flu.” The symptoms are often times, although not exclusively caused by imbalances of several electrolytes, the most impactful ones are sodium, potassium, and magnesium. With Synerplex® Electrolytes, you get the proper balance of these minerals helping to lessen the flu-like symptoms. Another significant benefit to using Synerplex® Electrolytes while on the ketogenic diet is that it contains no sugars or artificial sweeteners which are pretty much big time no no’s. This is why many users of exogenous-ketone supplements have been using

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Synerplex Electrolytes

Why are Synerplex Electrolytes so superior! There are a lot of electrolytes on the market today, but none are as complete as Synerplex Electrolytes. Our Chief Science Officer, Mark Schauss, has developed the Rosetta Stone for electrolytes, which allowed him to uncover the most physiologically perfect formula for people of all ages.  Some may have the correct ratio of potassium to sodium (2:1), some may have the correct balance of bicarbonates, chlorides and sulfates, and some may not even have sugar. There are no other electrolytes out there that have that and more except Synerplex Electrolytes. Versatility is also an important reason to use the Synerplex Electrolytes. You can cook with them (think soups and stews), or add it to your morning shake. You can add Synerplex Electrolytes to almost anything you want to get the benefits you need. This guarantees that Synerplex Electrolytes are the most balanced, advanced and beneficial electrolytes on the market today and tomorrow.

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